Category: News

  • Media coverage: Cameras reveal sea turtle social behavior

    The Wildlife Society news page recently published an article covering new findings from our NOAA team’s camera-based research on green turtles San Diego Bay. The article, written by Joshua Learn, was inspired by our 2024 paper…

  • New publication: Insights from a turtle-borne camera

    Led by recent graduate Cameron Mullaney, we just had a paper published in Ecology and Evolution that details some initial insights gained by deploying a pop-off camera onto green turtles in San Diego Bay. Cam spearheaded…

  • New publication: Variable hawksbill migratory behavior

    I am happy to share that a chapter of my dissertation was just published in the journal Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. The paper disseminates the results of a multi-year effort to track the post-nesting…

  • Presentation @ Aquarium of the Pacific

    On October 4, I teamed up with my colleague Dr. Cali Turner Tomascewicz to give a talk to a sold out house as part of the “First Wednesday” lecture series at the Aquarium of the Pacific.…

  • New publication: Hawksbill satellite tracks from Antigua and Jamaica

    My coauthors and I recently had an article published in the Caribbean Journal of Science. Our paper makes use of satellite tracking data collected on post-nesting hawksbill sea turtles over 1998-2001. Eight individuals were tracked from…

  • New publication: Effects of urbanization on key deer

    I am excited to share that my collaborators and I just had a new article come out in the journal Landscape and Urban Planning. The article, titled “Urbanization affects the behavior of a predator-free ungulate in…

  • Media coverage: “Seaweed is putting sea turtles in a hot mess”

    Hakai Magazine just published a short piece relaying some of the findings of our recent scientific journal article: “Beached Sargassum alters sand thermal environments: Implications for incubating sea turtle eggs.” The author of the Hakai piece,…

  • New publication: Sargassum affects incubation temperatures

    I am excited to share a new article out in the Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. In it, my coauthors and I assess how Sargassum macroalgae, when washed up onto beaches, affects the incubation…

  • New publication: Sargassum impedes nesting turtles

    Hot off the press, my collaborators and I just had a new article come out in the journal Climate Change Ecology. The title does a good job of summarizing the big take home message: The Atlantic…

  • New publication: population viability of sea turtles in the context of global warming

    I am excited to share a new review out in the journal BioScience. In it, my coauthors and I explore what global warming means for sea turtle populations. We highlight fascinating new research but also point…