2024 Hawksbill satellite tracking
Check out this live map of hawksbill satellite tracks! You can follow along as turtles complete their nesting seasons at Long Island and undertake migrations to (sometimes distant) foraging areas. We recently deployed satellite transmitters onto…
Update from the field: Leatherback research
Along with our key partners Upwell, our NOAA research team is in the midst of field surveys for leatherback sea turtles at their foraging areas off the west coast of USA. This work takes place over…
Media coverage: Cameras reveal sea turtle social behavior
The Wildlife Society news page recently published an article covering new findings from our NOAA team’s camera-based research on green turtles San Diego Bay. The article, written by Joshua Learn, was inspired by our 2024 paper…
New publication: Insights from a turtle-borne camera
Led by recent graduate Cameron Mullaney, we just had a paper published in Ecology and Evolution that details some initial insights gained by deploying a pop-off camera onto green turtles in San Diego Bay. Cam spearheaded…
New publication: Variable hawksbill migratory behavior
I am happy to share that a chapter of my dissertation was just published in the journal Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. The paper disseminates the results of a multi-year effort to track the post-nesting…
Presentation @ Aquarium of the Pacific
On October 4, I teamed up with my colleague Dr. Cali Turner Tomascewicz to give a talk to a sold out house as part of the “First Wednesday” lecture series at the Aquarium of the Pacific.…
New publication: Hawksbill satellite tracks from Antigua and Jamaica
My coauthors and I recently had an article published in the Caribbean Journal of Science. Our paper makes use of satellite tracking data collected on post-nesting hawksbill sea turtles over 1998-2001. Eight individuals were tracked from…
New publication: Effects of urbanization on key deer
I am excited to share that my collaborators and I just had a new article come out in the journal Landscape and Urban Planning. The article, titled “Urbanization affects the behavior of a predator-free ungulate in…
Media coverage: “Seaweed is putting sea turtles in a hot mess”
Hakai Magazine just published a short piece relaying some of the findings of our recent scientific journal article: “Beached Sargassum alters sand thermal environments: Implications for incubating sea turtle eggs.” The author of the Hakai piece,…
New publication: Sargassum affects incubation temperatures
I am excited to share a new article out in the Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. In it, my coauthors and I assess how Sargassum macroalgae, when washed up onto beaches, affects the incubation…