Author: Andrew Maurer

  • It’s not all doom and gloom

    A new article in National Geographic sheds a hopeful light on the contemporary status of sea turtles and their conservation. It is a fascinating read, with stunning photography. Check it out here.

  • Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt

      A new paper in the journal Science does a great job explaining the Sargassum phenomenon in the Atlantic and Caribbean. Wang et al. discuss what is happening and, importantly, get into WHY. The image above is from Figure…

  • New publication: nocturnal activity in diurnal lizards

    We recently had another small piece published – this one in Herpetological Conservation and Biology. It documents the nocturnal use of artificial lighting by diurnal anoles and offers various interesting natural history observations. This is a…

  • New publication: Frontiers EcoPic

    Excited to share that my colleague Dr. Mike Cove and I recently had a note published in the EcoPics series for Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. This series focuses on compelling photographs accompanied by short…

  • Sea turtle stable isotope research

      An exciting new review was just published in Marine Ecology Progress Series that outlines the value of stable isotopes in sea turtle research and the progress that has been made with these techniques. Check out…

  • Efficiency of the scientific funding process

        NCSU’s Dr. Kevin Gross and his colleague recently published a fascinating article in PLoS One that explores the efficiency of the scientific funding process. They ask the questions: “To what extent does the community’s aggregate…

  • Hawksbill migrations in the Caribbean

    Dr. Kristen Hart from USGS and her colleagues recently published some exciting research out of Buck Island Reef National Monument in St. Croix. They tracked 31 hawksbills during their post-nesting migrations and identified foraging areas throughout…

  • GCFI Conference

    From November 5 – 9 I attended the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute conference in San Andrés, Colombia. I presented both a poster and a talk summarizing our study of how Sargassum is affecting hawksbill nesting ecology in…

  • Turtle TED Talk

      Last December Dr. Brendan Godley, from the University of Exeter and its Marine Turtle Research Group, gave a TED Talk on sea turtles. Really interesting to see someone at the top of the field distill…

  • Fulbright Conference in Chile

    I am capping my Fulbright Fellowship with a conference in Chile in late August. Fulbright student researchers from across the Western Hemisphere are coming together to reflect on the theme of “sustainable and inclusive development.” This…